Got a question? We are happy to clarify. Here are some of our most frequently asked questions!
1. What sets Canada VetWork apart?
At Canada VetWork we don’t just want to place you with a job, we want to find you a perfect match! We care about your career goals and want to help you achieve them. We offer many resources designed to help guide you through the relocation process, such as mentorship, cultural expectation training, weekly wellness check-ins, specialized ESL language classes, and many more!
2. How long does it take to get a candidate licensed in Canada?
4-18 months (average)
3. Why should I hire prior to a candidate passing the NAVLE?
Enabling a candidate to work in clinic prior to taking the exam greatly improves their English/French language skills and knowledge of Canadian veterinary standards. Remember, the NAVLE is a 6 hour exam with 360 questions. That means answering a question every 90 seconds, for 6 hours, in a second language. Immersion in an English/French speaking clinic for several weeks prior to attempting the exam provides a huge benefit and sets the candidate up for success.
4. What is the process for a COE-Accredited graduate to become licensed in Canada?
1. Language exam
2. NEB registration
3. NAVLE exam
4. Provincial licensing
5. How does this differ from non-accredited graduates?
Nonaccredited graduates must go through a much longer licensing process. It include the following additional exams:
1. Basic clinical science exam (BCSE)
2. Preliminary surgical assessment (PSA)
3. Clinical practical exam (CPE)